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Project Name: Althaus Webshop - Virtual Assistant Tasks

Client: Penta Media Group

Project Description: For the Althaus webshop, managed by Penta Media Group, we provide comprehensive Virtual Assistant services similar to those for their influencer webshops. Our tasks include operating full customer support, processing orders, and handing them over to the warehouse instead of manufacturing. Additionally, we manage the tracking of order fulfillment and handle customer notifications. The entire process was previously manual, and we developed numerous automations and migrated the webshop from Wordpress to Shopify as part of the project.

Services Used:

  • Full customer support operation

  • Order processing and handover to the warehouse

  • Order fulfillment tracking

  • Customer notification management

  • Development of process automations

  • Migration of the webshop from Wordpress to Shopify

Results: By implementing extensive automations and migrating the Althaus webshop to Shopify, we significantly streamlined the customer service and order fulfillment processes. The transition from a fully manual system to an automated one has enhanced efficiency and accuracy. Our comprehensive customer support ensures that all customer inquiries are promptly addressed, and orders are processed smoothly. The migration to Shopify has provided a more robust platform for managing the webshop.

Related Service Categories:

  • Customer support operation

  • Order processing and management

  • Process automation development

  • E-commerce platform migration


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