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Project Name:

Project Description: The website focuses on compensation cases and provides legal assistance to victims. The project involved implementing AI-based content creation and deep analysis to effectively locate potential clients. We created the website and an online form system on both the Facebook page and the website to collect data from victims. This data is managed by our client, Gaál és Gaál Law Firm, who is also the project commissioner. Additionally, we continuously update the Facebook page through our Virtual Assistant service.

Services Used:

  • Website design and development

  • AI-based content creation

  • AI deep analysis for client acquisition

  • Virtual Assistant service

  • Facebook page management

  • Form system creation and integration

Results: The new website and AI-based solutions significantly enhanced's online presence and efficiency in client acquisition. The form system made it easier to collect and manage data from victims. Our Virtual Assistant service ensures the Facebook page is continuously updated, increasing the page's visibility and reach.

Related Service Categories:

  • Website design and development

  • AI-based content creation

  • AI deep analysis

  • Virtual Assistant service

  • Facebook page management

  • Form system creation and integration


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