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Project Name: baseinGO Outsourced Sales Project

Client: baseinGO

Project Description: For the baseinGO project, we supported a European wholesale and logistics company by completely outsourcing their sales activities and maintaining their sales customer service. The goal was to identify potential partners who could become buyers for the company, based on AI-driven product price analysis. Our tasks included mapping out and qualifying nearly 1300 leads, primarily focusing on AmazonFBA sellers, and contacting them. In the secondary partner base, we targeted traditional wholesale partners, identifying and preparing approximately 350 leads. We delivered a comprehensive sales and marketing strategy and conducted partner outreach. Qualified, interested leads were handed over to the company for further processing and KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures.

Services Used:

  • Complete outsourcing of sales activities

  • Sales customer service maintenance

  • AI-driven product price analysis

  • Lead mapping and qualification

  • Partner outreach and engagement

  • Comprehensive sales and marketing strategy development

  • Handing over qualified leads for further processing and KYC

Results: Our efforts resulted in the successful identification and qualification of nearly 1300 potential leads among AmazonFBA sellers and approximately 350 traditional wholesale partners. The comprehensive sales and marketing strategy, along with effective partner outreach, positioned baseinGO to capitalize on new business opportunities. The qualified leads handed over to the company were well-prepared for further processing and KYC, enhancing their potential for conversion into loyal customers.

Related Service Categories:

  • Sales outsourcing

  • Sales customer service

  • AI-driven analysis

  • Lead generation and qualification

  • Partner outreach and engagement

  • Sales and marketing strategy development


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