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Project Name: Website and CRM System

Client: BaseinGO

Project Description: For BaseinGO, we created a new website that includes the development of the entire brand concept and the integration of a CRM system. The project's goal was to provide a comprehensive and effective online presence for BaseinGO, supporting the company's marketing and sales processes.

Services Used:

  • Brand concept creation and design

  • Website design and development

  • CRM system creation and integration

  • SEO optimization

  • Online marketing strategy development

Results: The new BaseinGO website and CRM system successfully increased the company's online presence and efficiency in managing customer relationships. The brand concept and design created a strong and recognizable brand that helps BaseinGO stand out in the market. The integrated CRM system made customer relationship management and sales processes more efficient.

Related Service Categories:

  • Brand concept and design

  • Website design and development

  • CRM system integration

  • SEO optimization

  • Online marketing strategy


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