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Project Name: Brics Entertainment Project

Client: Brics Entertainment

Project Description: Brics Entertainment is a full-service agency for performing artists. Their goal is to fill their artists' schedules with international concerts and performances. Our task is to find programs and venues for specific performances, concerts, or dance choreographies. Brics briefs us on the program, the artist, and potential program categories, and we search for partners and venues, preparing collaborations. Developing the sales strategy and scripts, as well as building the contact lists, were key tasks. Additionally, we integrated a CRM system to manage the process. Our cold calls and follow-ups have already reached over 1,500 contacts.

Services Used:

  • Sales strategy development

  • Script writing

  • Partner and venue search

  • Collaboration preparation

  • CRM integration

  • Cold calling and follow-up

Results: Our comprehensive sales strategy and targeted scripts enabled Brics Entertainment to effectively reach out to potential partners and venues. The extensive search for suitable programs and venues, along with the CRM integration, streamlined the process of managing contacts and follow-ups. With over 1,500 cold calls and follow-ups, we have significantly increased the opportunities for Brics Entertainment's artists to perform internationally.

Related Service Categories:

  • Sales strategy development

  • Script writing

  • Partner and venue search

  • Collaboration preparation

  • CRM integration

  • Cold calling and follow-up


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