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Project Name: Intretech Hungary Project

Client: Intretech Hungary

Project Description: Intretech Hungary is an international manufacturing facility with extensive production capacities. Our goal is to fill their manufacturing capacity with clients across various industries, including automotive, medical and healthcare, energy, construction, and consumer electronics. Our task involved understanding the factory's operational foundations as well as the manufacturing, development, and testing processes. We developed both the sales strategy and the marketing strategy for them. Our client's sales team consists of specialists and engineers, and we provide them with sales preparation and potential partner research. After creating the sales strategy, we wrote the scripts, and our ongoing responsibilities include lead generation, qualification, continuous expansion, and follow-up.

Services Used:

  • Understanding manufacturing operations

  • Sales strategy development

  • Marketing strategy development

  • Script writing

  • Lead generation and qualification

  • Continuous lead expansion and follow-up

Results: Our comprehensive sales and marketing strategies provided a solid framework for Intretech Hungary to approach potential clients in various industries. By understanding the manufacturing processes and capabilities, we could effectively target and qualify leads. Our continuous efforts in lead generation, qualification, and follow-up have significantly contributed to filling the manufacturing capacity with potential clients, ensuring a steady pipeline for Intretech Hungary's sales team.

Related Service Categories:

  • Manufacturing operations understanding

  • Sales strategy development

  • Marketing strategy development

  • Script writing

  • Lead generation and qualification

  • Continuous lead expansion and follow-up


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