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Project Name: Webshop

Client: Penta Media

Project Description: For Nessaj, a Hungarian YouTube influencer, we created a Shopify webshop commissioned by Penta Media. Our task was to design the webshop entirely using Nessaj's branding elements. An important aspect was to enable international shipping and ensure the products were presented appropriately. Additionally, we implemented YouTube product integration to seamlessly connect Nessaj's videos with his products. The writing of product descriptions and the processing of orders are ongoing tasks handled by our Virtual Assistant service.

Services Used:

  • Shopify webshop design and development

  • Branding elements integration

  • Implementation of international shipping

  • YouTube product integration

  • Writing product descriptions

  • Order processing through Virtual Assistant service

Results: The new Nessaj webshop successfully showcases the products in harmony with Nessaj's branding and enables international shipping. The YouTube product integration seamlessly connects videos and products. Product descriptions are professionally written, and order processing is handled quickly and efficiently through our Virtual Assistant service.

Related Service Categories:

  • Shopify webshop design and development

  • Branding elements integration

  • International shipping

  • YouTube product integration

  • Writing product descriptions

  • Virtual Assistant service


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