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Project Name: Robotcenter Zrt. B2B Sales Project

Client: Robotcenter Zrt.

Project Description: Robotcenter Zrt. specializes in the development and distribution of Industry 4.0 logistics products and warehouse material handling equipment. In collaboration with Morethansales, we provided B2B sales services aimed at identifying and reaching out to existing and new clients. After understanding the products, the goal was to map and approach commercial relationships. This involved writing scripts for cold outreach, follow-ups, and follow-up communications with existing partners via email or phone.

Services Used:

  • B2B sales strategy development

  • Mapping and approaching client relationships

  • Writing scripts for cold outreach and follow-ups

  • Follow-up with existing partners via email and phone

  • Collaboration with Morethansales

Results: The Robotcenter Zrt. project successfully increased the company's B2B sales efficiency and expanded its existing client base. The sales scripts and follow-up strategies contributed to more effective communication and stronger client relationships. Mapping commercial relationships and conducting successful cold outreach resulted in new business opportunities.

Related Service Categories:

  • B2B sales strategy

  • Client relationship management

  • Cold outreach and follow-ups

  • Strengthening client relationships

  • Collaboration with Morethansales


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