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Project Name: Solar-re Project for workshops

Client: Solar Rendszerépítő Kft.

Project Description: The goal of the Solar-re project for Solar Rendszerépítő Kft. was to fill the attendance of workshops prior to the opening of solar panel grants in Hungary. These workshops aimed to inform the public about the upcoming grants, allowing the company to build a qualified customer database of residential and institutional clients. This database would be ready for potential installations as soon as the grants opened. Our tasks included developing the sales strategy, marketing strategy, and contacting potential attendees for the workshops. Additionally, we provided advice on post-workshop communication.

Services Used:

  • Sales strategy development for workshops

  • Marketing strategy development

  • Outreach to potential workshop attendees

  • Post-workshop communication advice

Results: The sales and marketing strategies we developed successfully filled the workshop attendance and helped Solar Rendszerépítő Kft. build a qualified database of potential clients. Our outreach efforts ensured that the company had a ready list of residential and institutional clients who were well-informed and prepared for the upcoming solar panel grants. Our post-workshop communication advice further strengthened the engagement with the attendees.

Related Service Categories:

  • Sales strategy development

  • Marketing strategy development

  • Outreach to potential clients

  • Post-event communication


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