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Project Name: Sophos Firewall - XStream Sales Strategy and Pilot Implementation

Client: Exclusive Networks Hungary Kft.

Project Description: For Exclusive Networks Hungary Kft., we developed and implemented the sales strategy for the Sophos Firewall, also known as XStream. The project involved familiarizing ourselves with the product, creating the sales strategy, writing the sales scripts, and reaching out to 500 companies to promote the product. This approach allowed the client to assess the viability of their market sales in the Hungarian market.

Services Used:

  • Product familiarization

  • Sales strategy development

  • Sales script writing

  • Outreach to 500 companies

Results: Our comprehensive sales strategy and outreach efforts enabled Exclusive Networks Hungary Kft. to effectively gauge the market acceptance of the Sophos Firewall (XStream) in Hungary. The feedback from the 500 companies contacted provided valuable insights into the product's market positioning and potential for success in the Hungarian market.

Related Service Categories:

  • Sales strategy development

  • Sales script writing

  • Market research and outreach

  • Product positioning assessment


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