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Project Name: TB Photo studio business photography service

Client: TB Studio Kft.

Project Description: For TB Studio Kft., we worked on the TB Photo project, aimed at finding partners for their business photography services. The project focused on the studio's portrait photography services. Our pilot task included writing scripts for email and phone contact, targeting both the existing partner base and a new list of 300 potential partners. Additionally, we established a success fee agreement alongside the traditional partnership terms.

Services Used:

  • Script writing for email and phone contact

  • Partner outreach to existing and new partners

  • Success fee agreement negotiation

Results: The email and phone contact scripts provided a structured approach for TB Studio Kft. to engage with both existing and potential partners. During the pilot, we successfully processed the existing partner base and reached out to 300 new potential partners. The inclusion of a success fee agreement incentivized performance and ensured mutual benefits from the partnership.

Related Service Categories:

  • Script writing for email and phone contact

  • Partner outreach

  • Success fee agreement negotiation


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