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Project Name: Vilhemp Project

Client: Vilhemp

Project Description: The Vilhemp project was a comprehensive undertaking that involved creating a marketing strategy, a sales strategy (including the potential for service expansion), and a competitor matrix. Following this, we developed scripts and conducted a pilot project targeting restaurants and street food vendors around Lake Balaton, Central Europe's largest lake. This project was particularly exciting because the target market's location (Hungary) presented unique challenges, while the compostable single-use cutlery, as part of a startup initiative, held significant innovation potential. During the pilot, we contacted and pre-qualified nearly 300 hospitality units and handed over the findings to the company.

Services Used:

  • Marketing strategy development

  • Sales strategy development, including service expansion potential

  • Competitor matrix creation

  • Script writing for outreach

  • Pilot project execution targeting Lake Balaton area restaurants and street food vendors

Results: The comprehensive marketing and sales strategies provided a structured approach for Vilhemp to enter the market. The pilot project successfully reached and pre-qualified nearly 300 hospitality units around Lake Balaton, offering valuable insights and a solid foundation for further expansion. The innovative compostable cutlery products were well-received, highlighting the project's potential despite the challenges posed by the target market's location.

Related Service Categories:

  • Marketing strategy development

  • Sales strategy development

  • Competitor analysis

  • Outreach and script writing

  • Pilot project execution


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